Category Archives: Microfinance

What is Microfinance?

The best thing you could do is to explore ways of helping the poor.

There are a lot of ways to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

The first step is the hardest to make.  But that single small step can lead you to your longest journey. Just make that one small first step. You are brave enough to do it, I know.

And, the best reminder is that making a difference in changing and saving lives does not need much money. It only needs DETERMINATION.

Let us start with small things and small capital. Do it with Microfinancing. Continue reading What is Microfinance?

Why Microfinance Is Self-Help Opportunity?

Microfinance System is seen by the poor as an opportunity to prove themselves that, indeed, poor people are bankable.

microfinance self-opportunity
Courtesy of

In microfinance world, this opportunity is called as Self-Help Opportunity. This self-help opportunity is a derivative of one of the characteristics of the microfinance system,i.e., Self-Help Group (SHG).

Some critics of microfinance say that high interest rates discourage the poor from borrowing and also take away large portion of their income if ever they are able to successfully start a business. Continue reading Why Microfinance Is Self-Help Opportunity?